Project Schedule


Project Definitions

  • Long Term Control Plan: The Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) is the document that lays out how PVSC and Permittees will maintain outfalls and reduce flow and/or treat discharge from outfalls to water ways to meet requirements of Clean Water Act and National CSO Policy.

  • Sanitary Sewer:  System that contains only waste from bathrooms, sinks, washers, etc.

  • Storm Sewer:  System that conveys storm water runoff from streets.

  • Combined Sewer System:  System that has both sanitary sewage and storm water in it.

  • Combined Sewer Overflow:  A combined sewer overflow (CSO) is relief point in combined sewer system that allows extra flow when it rains to be discharged directly to streams and rivers.

Common Acronyms

  • CSM: Combined Sewer Management

  • CSO: Combined Sewer Overflow

  • CSS: Combined Sewer System

  • CD: Consent Decree

  • CWA: Federal Clean Water Act

  • EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency

  • GI or GSI: Green Infrastructure, or Green Storm water Infrastructure

  • LTCP: Long Term Control Plan

  • NJDEP: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

  • NJPDES: New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

  • MUA: Municipal Utility Authority

  • POTW: Publicly Owned Treatment Works

  • WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant